5 Aspects of Web Development that Clients Should Define

5 Aspects Of Web Development That Clients Should Define
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5 aspects of web development that clients should define. Over 500,000 new sites are created daily. This is due, on the one hand, to the popularization of web development tools; and, on the other hand, the ever-growing importance of websites. However, this overabundance of websites contributes to the persistence of preconceived notions and poor understanding of the web development process.

Experts know best: quality websites don’t grow like mushrooms. Website creation is an interdisciplinary work that includes creative, technical and even psychological aspects.

A reality that developers don’t always manage to convey to their customers in a meaningful way. Below you will find five main aspects of website development that will allow you to better understand such projects.

Scales are prepared from the start

Popular website development tools really make website creation easy. When you want to create a one-stop website, the investment in time and money is minimal.

However, as soon as we want to change something and move away from “bundled” websites, we must adopt a rigorous methodology. In this context, it should be understood that the characteristics and expectations you have for your project determine the workload.

For example, a restaurateur can choose two types of sites. On the one hand, a site that only serves to list menus, not allowing interaction with users. On the other hand, a site that also allows you to order meals, respond to specific requests, display the availability of the establishment, and, in the long term, manage reservations across all restaurant sites. … It seems clear that a more complete site will require more work than the first.

However, it is even more important to emphasize that this multi functional site needs to be thought of from the very beginning with this in mind.

The scalable growth of your site will not be able to keep up with the growth of your business unless agreed in advance. In the worst case scenario, you, like many other companies, will have to start a completely new project and consider migrating. complicated.

The web development roadmap is an essential tool

For the most part, developers are experts in their field. Indeed, they are well versed in best practices and perform optimally with websites.

Likewise, clients have a pretty detailed understanding of their web development project. Therefore, in an ideal world, it would be enough to spend a few minutes to agree on the terms of the project. However, in real life this does not happen.

First, clients, even the most informed, are not always able to effectively communicate their expectations. At the very least, developers are not always able to translate expectations into specific modules for the site.

A tool that bridges the gap between the vision a client has for their project and the specific challenges that developers can address is a roadmap. We can think of this as translating ideas into projects.

So it’s no coincidence that some web development agencies are hiring project managers. One of their main tasks is to draw up this roadmap. This document also sets out the project parameters, terms and conditions for making changes.

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Prevention is better than cure

Once a website is ready, it can be viewed by thousands, if not millions, of Internet users around the world. Contrary to what one might think, the website will not necessarily behave the same with all of these users.

Depending on their actions, devices, or even their geographic location, inconsistencies may occur on the site. Therefore, it should be understood that a prototype, even if explicitly completed, may require lengthy periods of testing before delivery.

Therefore, it is extremely important to thoroughly test the site in order to identify and fix errors. This testing step also aims to address potential site security vulnerabilities.

For this, development agencies have testers and quality assurance specialists. A problem launching a website can lead to loss of customers and damage your reputation. Quality control protects you from this disaster scenario.

Sometimes it takes time to find the right answers.

It’s no surprise that web development is an ever-changing industry. From Web 2.0 to the Internet of Things, standards and practices are constantly changing. Developers need to update their arsenal of programming languages, tools, and standards with mind-boggling frequency. It is for this reason that it sometimes takes them time to document themselves.

By way of illustration, each function can be implemented in different ways. The developer will have to evaluate the methods he knows and look for new ones to determine the best one.

If he chooses a new, more efficient method, he will also need to learn about potential conflicts with other programming languages ​​and features on your site. Sometimes this is a laborious process. However, it will ensure the stability of your website after completion.

The apparent simplicity of web development is often misleading

In web development, simplicity is truly the pinnacle of sophistication. A well-designed site should be easy to use and provide a hassle-free user experience. Behind the scenes, however, this fluidity is maintained by sometimes very complex codes. Most of the work is done there, so the user does not face any friction while exploring the site.

It is for this reason that changes, even the smallest on the surface, can lead to overhaul of entire sections of the site.

To illustrate this point, we can take the example of a tapestry. A small change in the edge of the weave is achieved in a short time. Just like changing the centerpieces, you first need to remove the rest of the tapestry. It’s the same with websites.


Web development is a delicate process. For this reason, it is always helpful to have a better understanding of the realities of a web project. A detailed roadmap lays a solid foundation for the project.

Likewise, this new understanding of aspects of web development will allow you to better understand developers. First of all, you will now be better equipped to benefit from a completely satisfactory implementation of your website.

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Tony Lanzap, a distinguished astrologer, possesses a profound understanding of celestial patterns. With years of experience, he has honed his skills in interpreting the cosmos to provide insightful guidance. Tony's unique approach blends traditional wisdom with modern insights, making him a sought-after expert in the realm of astrology. His commitment to helping individuals navigate life's journey has earned him acclaim and trust among those seeking cosmic clarity.