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Debunking 5 Major Myths About Thyroid Disease

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Debunking 5 Major Myths About Thyroid Disease

Thyroid diseases are becoming very common day by day. A number of diseases are associated with the thyroid gland which is present in our neck and looks like a butterfly. It is very rarely known to people what thyroid disease actually feels like. There can be high chances that what you we known about thyroid disease may not be error-free.

According to the best endocrinologist in Faisalabad, a number of triggers can cause thyroid to happen. THese include an autoimmune track, nutritional deficiencies, genetics or toxins that are present in the environment. But as far as the symptoms are concerned, there is a very vague picture. People usually feel depressed and have severe anxiety attacks, some feel extreme fatigue.

It is said that the thyroid gland is the most misunderstood gland of the body. The experts that deal with the patients of thyroid draw a line between the myths and the facts. Let’s have a closer look at the myths that are believed even till this date.

Myth 1: Only women of old age can have thyroid issues

There is no specific age defined when it comes to thyroid diseases. Men and women of any age can get affected and can develop problems. The most common cause behind young people having thyroid issues is the genes and the environmental factors. These two factors can make the thyroid gland produce more or less hormones than usual.

But it has been noticed that men develop thyroid diseases less than women. The reason behind this is the presence of estrogen hormone in women. This hormone makes the cells more visible to the immune system.

Myth 2:  You will know for sure when you have a thyroid issue

As I mentioned above, the signs and symptoms of a thyroid disease are quite vague. So there are a number of diseases whose symptoms are very similar to other health conditions. The most common symptoms of the thyroid disease are increased heart palpitations, skin getting dry, high blood pressure, brain fog and anxiety.

In females, thyroid related issues are often misjudged  and misdiagnosed. This is because there are a hundred other hormone related problems in women. These include, menopause, premenstrual Syndrome and perimenopause.

Myth 3: Extra Iodine helps in improving thyroid health

The thing is, that the thyroid needs iron to function in the correct manner but, taking iron more than usual and eating tons of supplements isn’t okay for it.  When the body has excess iodine  it can trigger the body to respond and the consequence is always thyroid dysfunction.

You need to have your thyroid mechanisms to function and know when to shut down when there is an overdose of iodine. Otherwise there is a high chance that your body will become a factory full of iodine. This excess iodine will lead to thyroid hormone production that will be much more than needed.

Myth4: Bulging eyes indicate that you are suffering from thyroid disease

It should be well-understood that there is not only one type of disease that occurs because of the thyroid. A number of complications and diseases are linked with thyroid. So it is partially right and partially wrong. There is only one disease that causes bulging eyes called Grave’s disease.

It should be noted that this doesn’t always happen.  However, other people with Grave’s diseases face other vision issues like double vision, swollen eyelids and dry eyes. But there is a very small percentage of people that have these problems. A great number of supplements can help manage these symptoms. And if in any case there is severe eye-bulging surgery can be performed.

Myth 5: If you see any lump in the neck, it means you have a serious thyroid problem

Any lump that you see in your neck is not always an enlarged thyroid, also known as goiter. There can be other causes to this lump such as development of cysts and increased lymph nodes. Do visit your doctor and get an ultrasound done for more clarification.

Final Thoughts

Do your own research and try to find the exact symptoms of thyroid related diseases. Don’t listen to what people say, as the number of misconceptions being spread are all wrong. Visit your doctor and consult with them when needed.

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Alice Christina, a seasoned health writer, combines her passion for wellness with a strong foundation in evidence-based research. She crafts insightful content that empowers readers to make informed health decisions. Alice's expertise shines through her concise and reliable health articles.