Different Reasons for the Significant Of Screening Tests
Looking healthy is not enough as you have to be actually healthy inside out! By performing health screening at Health Screening Clinic UK, you can obtain the treatment on time for any issue. Know about its significance from below.
“Always Prevention Is Better Than Cure!” Early health checking helps you to stay prevented from a number of diseases by detecting them early and providing the right treatment. Basically, right screening will be depended on the risk factors, medical history and age. Check out various reasons supporting importance of screening tests from below.
- Breast Cancer
As early as breast cancer can be detected, curing chance is extremely high! Minor breast cancer never spreads to crucial organs like brains and lungs and lymph nodes. Hence its screening is highly recommended once in every 3 years after women reach late 20s to early 30s.
- Mammography
Mammograms are much similar to low-dose X-rays which can effectively spot out the cancerous lumps even before you can feel. According to the experts, mammograms should be performed every year. During 50s to 70s switching to a long frequency of year can be considered as well.
- Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer can be prevented easily. Generally, it occurs in the cervical passage located within the vagina and uterus. HPV testing and Pap smear are reliable in finding the abnormal cells which can turn into HPV (human papillomavirus).
- Cervical Cancer Screening
At the time of Pap smear at Health Screening Clinic UK, some cervical cells are scraped off for analysing in the lab. It is entirely depended on the doctor whether the test will be a Pap smear alone or should be combined with the HPV testing. For more risk, vaginal screening is highly recommended for Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia too.
- Cervical Cancer Vaccinations
HPV vaccines are really helpful for the women within 26 to stay prevented from various HPV strains. But these are not effective for providing protection against every HPV strain which is why routine cervical cancer test is advisable.
- Fractured Bones and Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is referred to the state of fragile and weak bones of an individual. In post-menopausal period women are highly susceptible to loss bone mass. It can happen in men too and that’s why early health screening is reliable for detecting and treating so.
- Osteoporosis Screening Tests
DXA (Dual Energy X-ray absorptiometry) is effective in measuring bone mass which will result in bone strength. With this the chance of future bone fracture and injury can be predicted quite early and treated well. Though it is advisable for the women above 65 yet you may have to start the test much sooner.
- Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is of different types and only early treatment is effective for each of its type. Amongst them, melanoma is the most dangerous the affects the skin colouring cells. Several times people inherit the risk of this type of cancer as well.
- Skin Cancer Screening
Skin cancer screening looks for the changes in the skin markings along with freckles and moles. You must focus on the changes in their size, colour and shape as well. In case of further complexity, the skin must be checked by the dermatologists.
- High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure risk gets increased along with age. Certain factors like poor lifestyle and overweight are also some potential factors of it. It also results in causing fatal strokes or heart attacks at the same time. Early screening and detection reduces the chance of kidney failure and heart disease perfectly.
- High Blood Pressure Screening
Reading of blood pressure is comprised with 2 numbers- systolic and diastolic. The former is the pressure at the time of heart beats on the other hand; the latter one is the pressure within heart beats. Normally, it should range within 120/80. However lower or higher than this range is considered as abnormal and doctor consultation is recommended.
- Cholesterol Levels
High cholesterol level clogs the arteries which heighten the risk of stroke or heart attack. Other factors like smoking, diabetes and blood pressure also influence the risk by promoting the plaque build up in the arteries and hardening them. Proper medication and lifestyle changes can reduce the risk.
- Cholesterol Checking
Cholesterol level can be checked on fasting for long 9-12 hours. Blood test will be performed for measuring total cholesterol comprises of HDL (good cholesterol), LDL (bad cholesterol) and triglycerides (blood fat). It is usually recommended by the doctor.
- Type 2 Diabetes
Diabetes results in damage in the retinal blood vessels, blindness, stroke, kidney diseases and heart issues. Type 2 is the most regular among them. However, it can be controlled easily with the help of medication, weight loss, proper diet and exercise.
- Diabetes Screening
Fasting is necessary for long 8 hours to perform the diabetes test. Prediabetic level is referred to the glucose level of 100-125 in the blood. Oral glucose tolerance test and A1C test are also performed to detect the glucose level.
- HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus)
AIDS is the common STI resulted from HIV virus. It’s transmitted from person to person via sharing of needles and body fluids during unprotected sex. Pregnant women are risky for their babies in the foetus. Though no cure is there yet early detection may assist the immune system to combat against the virus.
- HIV Screening Tests
Generally, HIV survives in a dormant manner without letting the person knows about the disease and can be symptom-free. EIA or ELISA tests are performed for spotting the HIV antibodies. On receiving positive result, second test is performed for the confirmation. It is recommended for everyone from young adolescents to old people.
- HIV Transfer Prevention
After being exposed to HIV antibodies, people can be identified with positive within 2 months. However its antibodies consume 6 month to develop fully. Use of condom at the time of sex can prevent its transmission and help you to stay protected simultaneously.
- Colorectal Cancer
Colorectal cancer is another life-threatening cancer type. Basically, it occurs from polyps or abnormal masses which grow in the large intestine’s inner lining. They may or may not be cancerous and if they are cancerous it will expand all over the body. So removal of the polyps is advised before they head towards cancerous to prevent its occurrence.
- Colorectal Cancer Screening
Colonoscopy is the normal screening test available for this cancer. In this test, a device is inserted to examine the colon and if any precancerous polyps are found, it is removed immediately. Sigmoidoscopy checks the colon’s lower part and is advised to undergo after the age of 50.
- Glaucoma
Glaucoma occurs when your eyes receive extreme pressure. It damages the optic nerve which leads to instant blindness. It shows no potential symptoms.
- Glaucoma Screening
Risk factors and your age are the key factors depending on the frequency of the screening for Glaucoma. Other aspects are also considered as well such as family medical background, intake of steroid and eye injury. You should consult with your doctor regarding Glaucoma screening.
No matter how your health condition is, you should discuss with your doctor at https://www.healthscreening.clinic/ regarding the health screening. Rather deteriorating your health by neglecting any minor medical condition, you should get tested so that they can be detected early and help you to stay healthy in the long run!
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