Let us understand everything about Scholarships for international students in Japan

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A scholarship also known as a grant in universities and colleges  is monetary help granted to an understudy, in view of scholarly accomplishment or different measures that may incorporate monetary needs on the students behalf. There are different sorts of grants – the two most normal being merit-based and need-based. The contributor or division subsidizing the grant sets the standards for beneficiary choice, and the grantor explicitly characterizes how the cash is to be applied. The assets are utilized to settle the expenses of educational cost, books, room, board and different costs straightforwardly attached to an understudy’s instructive expense through the college. 

Scholarships are commonly granted utilizing an assortment of variables, including – however not restricted to, scholastic accomplishment, departmental and local area inclusion, business experience, spaces of study, and monetary need. 

Applying for a scholarship in Japan

Scholarships for International students in Japan have been offered to ensure that International students have equal help and opportunity as the country’s local students do. Japan sees thousands of students pour in each year to receive a quality International education that will allow them better future prospects. It then becomes the country’s responsibility to ensure the student receives a high caliber education.  Now there are many  parents who put down an initial sum of money for a child’s education. For higher education sometimes, quality International schooling in  the city of Tokyo might cost more. In this case the calibre of a student can increase his chances to win a scholarship to an international school (sports scholarships are also available).

In Japan, only a few scholarships  cover the complete  expense of a student’s education, most intend to cover simply a part of the students everyday educational expenses. Hence,  before shifting to the country ,  ascertain the complete costs of educating your child/children in Japan. Once this is done you can make a monetary arrangement that doesn’t depend exclusively on grants yet rather your own assets also.

In Japan there are two types of financial aids

  1. Scholarships 
  2. Tuition fees exemption/reduction (this could range anywhere from 30 %- 100 %)

A scholarship for a student  would be granted to a student based on his academic merit . This may involve disclosing the students financial background, if it is a merit cum means scholarship. Talking about reduction or exemption in fees, it is completely dependent on the family’s financial condition.

When to apply for a scholarship in Japan

  1. Before entering the country- For expat parents looking for financial aid in the form of a scholarship , you can make a list of scholarships your child is eligible for and start the process of applying.
  2. After migrating to the country- Guardians will have many more options to browse through when looking for a scholarship opportunity for their children, they can browse through the websites of international schools that offer scholarships to meritorious students.

What is the screening process for an International school in Japan 

Evaluation for most scholarships in Japan is carried out based on the academic documents provided. However, a few associations require a meeting or a composed assessment to test the students overall capability to keep up with the curriculum. This form of assessment would include testing the child on the knowledge they have procured so far and their language capacity. 

Different types of scholarships available in Japan for International school students 

International schools ensure that each of their students are provided for and looked after. When we speak of this we are referring to the individualistic attention he gains through his education tenure in school, the opportunity to attend some of the best colleges and Universities and the assistance, financially, to do so . International schools in Japan are constantly looking at improving their students’ lifestyles. Here are three scholarships available in Japan. 

  • Berrows International Scholarship- Involves a test that applies to master and bachelor students as well as high school and secondary school students . It is a fully funded scholarship open to students from all countries 
  • Toptal Stem Scholarships for women- This is a scholarship that helps with partial funding for students pursuing  Science or engineering . What’s refreshing is that this scholarship is only for girls (available to high/ secondary school students and those pursuing their Bachelors or Masters)
  • Mobility seeker Outdoor sports scholarship – This is a partially funded scholarship open to all Nationalities and caters to high school and secondary students along with those pursuing their bachelors, Masters and Phd.


Now for Indian Parents looking to have their child study in Japan, there is one particular school in the city of Tokyo that offers a plethora of Scholarships to assist their national and  International students alike. Global Indian International school is an International school of great repute in the city of Tokyo and is a great place to start Indian expat students.

Scholarships at GIIS Tokyo 

  1. Global Future ready scholarship 
  2. Hideki Yukawa Global Skills Scholarship
  3. 9 Gems Holistic Development scholarship

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