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Important Information about HPV Vaccine for Young Women

Important Information about HPV Vaccine for Young Women
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HPV vaccines are given to stay away from different kinds of human papillomavirus or HPV that might be the reason for most cervical cancers and cancers of your vulva, vagina, anus and oropharynx. This vaccine may help in the prevention of different HPV types that cause genital warts.

Importance of HPV vaccine for your health

Genital HPV is quite common and might get transmitted from one individual to the other through skin-to-skin contact while performing any kind of activity. This is why sexually active individuals should take the HPV vaccine at some time in their life. The infection with HPV is quite common in women when they have reached their late teenage years and during their 20s. You will come across 40 kinds of HPV that may infect the genital parts of men as well as women.

Usually, different kinds of HPV do not show any symptoms and they go away by themselves. However, some kinds might lead to cervical cancer in women. Some less common cancers are cancers of your anus, penis, oropharynx, vulva and vagina. Other kinds of HPV may lead to warts in the genital areas of men and women known as genital warts. So, the warts seem to be quite risky for your life though they may lead to emotional stress and the treatment seems to be extremely uncomfortable.

Which girls or women should take HPV vaccination?

HPV vaccination is generally recommended for girls aged 11 and 12. Girls and women aged between 13 and 26 who have not been vaccinated should receive the HPV vaccine in London, ideally by the age of 9. According to the CDC, it is suggested that girls aged 11 and 12 receive two doses of the HPV vaccine to remain protected against HPV-related cancers.

How can sexually active women benefit from the HPV vaccine?

Women should take the vaccine before they are sexually active and highly exposed to HPV. Other than this, females who have already become sexually active can also benefit from vaccination. This is mainly due to the fact they have already been exposed to one or several HPV kinds.

Is it possible for pregnant women to take the vaccine? 

The HPV vaccine is not at all suggested for pregnant women. As per the studies, the HPV vaccine for women will not lead to any problems for the babies who are born to women and have been vaccinated when they conceive. The doses of this vaccine should not be given to pregnant women till they give birth to their baby.

Do girls and women need to be screened for cervical cancer before taking the vaccine?

Both girls and women do not require going for a Pap test an HPV test or a Pap test to know whether they should take the vaccine. But women must do the screening for cervical cancer even when they take all the shots of the HPV vaccine. This is mainly due to the fact the vaccine won’t give protection against all kinds of cervical cancer.

How effective is the HPV vaccine?

HPV vaccine usually targets different kinds of HPV that lead to cervical cancer and cancers of the anus, oropharynx, vulva and vagina. It can protect you against HPV types which lead to most types of genital warts. The private HPV vaccine for women seems to be very effective in preventing HPV types and health problems caused by them.

The vaccine is not that effective in the prevention of HPV-based disease for women who are already exposed to one or more HPV types. This is due to the fact the vaccine prevents HPV before anyone gets exposed to it.

How safe is the HPV vaccine?

The Food and Drug Administration or FDA has licensed the HPV vaccine. It has been approved as safe and effective by the CDC. According to studies, there aren’t any serious safety concerns with the vaccine. Some side effects were mild including – dizziness, fever, nausea and pain at the time of taking the shot.

Fainting usually occurs after any medical treatment has been noted after you take HPV vaccination. So, fainting after taking any kind of vaccine is quite common in adolescents. Since fainting may be the reason for injuries and falls, both adolescents and adults have to lie down when taking the HPV vaccine.

Why is the HPV vaccine recommended for women through 26 years only?

At present, HPV vaccination is not recommended for women over 26 years. As per clinical trials, HPV vaccination has provided women with either limited or no protection against HPV-related diseases. Women who are above 26 years, they can prevent cervical cancer by performing routine cervical cancer screening.

What is the need for boys and men vaccination?

HPV vaccine has a valid license that can be used for boys and men. It is said to be safe and effective for males who are between 9 and 26 years old. According to ACIP, it has been suggested that routine vaccination of boys aged who are within 11 and 12 years should take a series of doses. So, the series for taking the vaccine may begin from 9 years.

The vaccination is also recommended for males who are between 13 and 21 years old and have not been vaccinated or did not get suggested doses. Hence, the vaccine seems to be extremely effective if given at a young age and in males who are between 22 and 26 years. The CDC has recommended two doses of vaccine should be given to boys and men who are within 11 to 12 years to stay protected against cancers led by HPV.

Do girls and women who took vaccination earlier require performing screening tests for cervical cancer? 

Yes, women who are already vaccinated need to undergo screening for cervical cancer as this vaccine can protect against most though not all types of HPV that can lead to cervical cancer. Other than this, women who have already taken this vaccine after getting sexually active might not be aware of all the benefits of this vaccine when exposed to HPV.

What are other options to stay away from cervical cancer?

Routine screening for cervical cancer that includes – HPV and Pap tests along with follow-up will avoid most cervical cancer cases. The Pap smear test will help to detect some cell changes in your cervix before they become cancerous. By performing an HPV test, the virus can be detected which may lead to cell changes. With the help of screening, most types of cervical cancers can be detected early and even treated.

What are other options to avoid HPV?

Sexually active people should use condoms to lessen the risks of contracting HPV during sexual activities from the start to the end. Condoms can reduce the risk of getting HPV diseases such as cervical cancer and genital warts But HPV might infect certain areas that cannot be covered with the help of a condom and so, these condoms might not give complete protection against HPV.

Most people can decrease the chances of spreading HPV by staying in a true relationship with their partner, restricting the number of sexual partners and choosing someone who did not have any or few partners in the past. But people who have one sex partner only may get HPV at some point in time. Thus, the only sure-shot way to stay away from HPV is not to perform any kind of sexual activity and stay protected. You may visit Medical Express Clinic for more information about the HPV Vaccine for Young Women and related healthcare issues.

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