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Internet for the Seniors: Whim or necessity?

Internet for the seniors: whim or necessity
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It is a mistake to think that the Internet for seniors is completely useless and unnecessary because it is almost impossible to teach grandparents how to use it. Working at a computer favorably affects the brain function of old people, and also allows them to stay in contact with their family. In our article, we will tell you how to properly introduce seniors to the worldwide network, or you can order a service of senior companion care in Nassau to do it.

What role does the Internet play in the lives of old people?

Nowadays, the Internet is an excellent effective tool that allows people not only to read the latest news in the world community, indulge in communication, and explore the world in every possible way, but also pay more attention to their own health.

Old people who actively use the Internet are more likely to undergo large-scale checks on their health to prevent cancer and other diseases, and, in general, they have a healthier lifestyle. Old social media users are 30% less likely to suffer from depression than their peers who don’t use the Internet.

The world wide web allows old people to lead, as before, an active life, take their place in society, have a certain status and feel their importance.

The importance of the Internet in the life of seniors is undeniable. It allows them to maintain a pleasant and dignified level of existence and receive what may be lacking in reality.

What are the benefits of the Internet for seniors?

Many people criticize the Internet for different things. For example, people believe that the Internet takes up all their free time, distracts them from books and walks in the fresh air, and replaces real communication. All these points are relevant for the younger generation. Many users really devote too much time to their virtual life. But old people are a completely different category of Internet users. As a rule, they spend their time more carefully, not forgetting about real life.

In fact, the main value of the Internet for seniors is, of course, the opportunity to communicate. Children live their lives, friends can be in other cities or even countries. And, of course, old people face loneliness. The further away the children, grandchildren, and friends are the more valuable the possibility of virtual communication is. Skype, Telegram, and other social networks are a huge space for communication, a whole virtual world to which you have access, even if you no longer have the physical strength and the ability to leave the house.

The Internet provides much more different and high-quality information than can be seen on the usual TV screens. The study and assimilation of a large amount of information of various kinds preserve such an important factor of mental health as critical thinking and reduces the level of a person’s naivety, and there is less trust in outsiders.

The Internet is an affordable opportunity to take advantage of a huge number of services that an old person can get from home without exhausting queues. There is always the opportunity to deal with household bills, pay them, order groceries at home, bank statements, call the master if something breaks, etc.

Working with a computer helps seniors to preserve some functions of the body, especially the brain. For example, the ability to analyze information (so the danger of mental weakness becomes less), the development of fine motor skills, and the preservation and development of intelligence, attention, and memory.

How to teach an old person to use the Internet?

Some people are self-taught in the use of computer technology, including the Internet. Someone intuitively finds the right algorithm, someone just reads the instructions and everything will work out.

However, for most old people, learning to work with a computer is quite difficult. Someone’s help and constant explanations are required. Let’s consider the tips you can follow to help your senior loved one learn how to use the computer and the Internet.

  1. To begin with, you should train a senior to perform the simplest actions with a computer. These are turning on and off, using the keyboard and mouse, and logging into the Internet browser. It is best to take notes on paper, in a notebook, or on bright stickers. Everything should be described step by step and accessible. Without using complex terms. It is worth being patient and explaining everything in a dosed manner.
  1. Explain to the old person what needs to be done to find information on the Internet, and what to write in the search. Support the person if he does not understand the first time. Explain to him that the Internet cannot be broken, and in case of an unsuccessful action, there is always a possibility to start all over again.
  1. Install an antivirus program that will block dubious sites and files, thereby making life easier for the senior.
  1. Write down on paper or make special tabs with the necessary sites so that the old person does not try to enter the address into the search bar each time.
  1. Explain the meaning of basic terms, such as desktop or browser, and do not confuse a person with specialized terminology. Over time, the vocabulary will replenish itself in the process of use.
  1. Install the basic necessary programs that the old person will use, such as Skype, Chrome, and others. You can install several games, such as chess or solitaire if the senior is interested.
  1. If necessary, explain calmly until the old person has clarity and some confidence.

Wrapping up

A computer with Internet access is a useful thing for seniors, but it is worth taking a lot of time to teach a loved one how to use it. If you want to entrust this important task to professionals, Galaxy Home Care will help you. An employee of this company can become an excellent companion for your loved one and will support him in personal care, home, and leisure.

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