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Will Safety Measures Protect You From Coronavirus?

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Novel Coronavirus disease or more specifically COVID’19 disease originated from the Wuhan City of China in the last month of 2019. The World Health Organisation (WHO) declared COVID’19 as a pandemic and suggested several other ways to escape from the deadly infection of this deadly virus. Wearing a face mask, use of sanitisers and maintaining social distance and use of social distancing stickers are some of the major measures to fight back this deadly pandemic.

Let us discuss below whether these measures are sufficient enough to fight back this venom of Coronavirus diseases and what the aftermath of these measures are.

Use of face mask (face covers) in shops

The Government of England has announced a compulsion of wearing a face mask or face cover in the shop from forthcoming 24th July. However, children below 11 and people with certain disabilities are kept exempted. This decision of the Government has brought England in line with Scotland where this rule is already imposed with little different guidelines.

The Government has also imposed a fine of $100 if the norm is not followed, reduced to $50 if paid on the spot. Meanwhile, the staff of the shop is exempted from wearing a face mask but they have to use perspex protective screens in between them and customers.

Retailers are making it safe for shopping very hard and their efforts are observed. The deadly Coronavirus has brought several changes in life and we must have to abide with these changes.

Face masks or coverings

It is assumed that wearing a face mask or a face covering will reduce the spread of the Coronavirus. Science has proved that face mask protects its wearer from the deadly virus and also checks the spread from infectious person to the normal person. In England, shoppers have installed counter screens to ensure safety. Children are however, exempted from wearing the face mask, must be encouraged to wear them as to inculcate the habit to do so. The mask designed with favourite cartoon characters or superhero faces may be a wonderful way to bring children in love with the face covering. It will help in their safety at length.

Hand sanitizer stations

Sanitizing hands happened to be good culture. Our parents and grandparents always thought us to wash our hands regularly to kill germs over them. Now its importance has been more enhanced looking at the pandemic situation. Sometimes, I think our ancestors were so wise that they followed what we are been forced to follow now. Washing hands regularly and use of sanitizers is one of those regular practices.

Use of hand sanitisers is one of the weapons to check the spread of Coronavirus. Shoppers have installed sanitisers pump at the entrance of the shop so customers can sanitise themselves with the help of social distancing decals before entering the shop. These are maybe with a pedal stroke sanitiser stations or hand stroke sanitiser station. Pedal stroke sanitiser station may be more helpful as it is a touch-free sanitiser station. Pedal stroke must have social distancing stickers to educate people.

Use of Hand-Gloves

The use of hand gloves is an important decision to stop the spread of coronavirus. As the virus gets attached to the outer surface of the gloves and we do not get in touch of virus. The precaution that we should keep in mind is to not reuse the same hand gloves time and again. Once used, hand gloves must be disposed of carefully.

Use of Perspex Screens Guards

At these pandemic situations, shoppers have applied protective checkout screens to deal with the customers. These perspex protective screens are installed on the main counter of the shop where the cash transaction is done. This perspex protective screen acts as a sneeze guard between the customer and the shopper as the droplets die at once get contacted with the protective screen. Hence the fear of infection lessens with the help on perspex protective screen guards.

Use Temperature checks Device

Some of the Shoppers are also doing temperature checks before allowing the customers to enter the shops. Coronavirus infectious people will show a high range of fever. Normal fever may be due to climatic changes so this technique may not be as important for normal shoppers. But yet it is one of the steps to prevent the spread of the virus.

Social distancing

The government has made it compulsory to maintain social distancing for both shoppers and customers. Social distancing is most useful technique to defeat coronavirus pandemic. Shoppers have to maintain social distancing amongst the customers and can allow only that number which can accommodate accordingly in the shop. The use of social distancing stickers to educate the customer is compulsory and inevitable. Also, social distancing decals must be applied before the counter screens and customers are made to stand in them and wait for their turn.

The more you are away, the less prone you are. One meter is the government’s guidelines, but the two-meter distance is safer than one meter. So both shoppers and customers must abide by the norms of social distancing and they must shop if they are free enough to wait for the turn to come.

Businesses in England are allowed based on social distancing measures on ‘one meter plus’ provided ‘mitigating measures’, such as the use of face coverings, and counter screens are in place. Every shop that has been contacted has limits on the number of customers allowed in-store to help with social distancing, based on the size of each store.

Learn to Shop alone

Many shoppers in England are allowing only a single customer inside the shop. This is because if customers will shop alone more customers may be able to shop instead of the customer coming in a group. It is also important because a person can utilize social distancing decals more prominently that a group at a time. This should be habituated to shop alone for yourself and family and follow social distancing stickers wherever they are applied.

Quarantining items

As one of the important decisions, many shoppers in England are quarantining the items for about 24 to 72 hours which have been touched and not purchased by a customer or have been returned back. As a safety measure that these items may not infect the other customers.


In this pandemic situation, Both shoppers and customers must follow the protective norms and help the governments, hospitals and the nations to fight back Coronavirus, COVID’19.

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