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10 Learning Activities Ideas | Kids Learning Step By Step

Kids Learning Step By Step
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Learning activities

As part of Maths Week, which will occur from Learning Activities. We have selected ten games, activities, or ideas from educational blogs to approach mathematics differently. Multi Heroes is a board game—a beautiful game with cards, dice, and crystals.

At each turn of the game, the player must multiply and choose a strategy to face threats. Why play this game? See the explanatory video.

1. The graphics are very nice. The theme of superheroes is attractive.

2. The game mechanics are “modern,” in line with current board games that appeal to children (whatever their age) and that work!

3. Student involvement:

Many threats are hanging over the world: hurricanes, earthquakes, meteorites, epidemics… 9 superheroes are assigned to fight them. Each hero has his power and will have to use it to ward off threats. He uses his talents and knowledge in multiplication! A simplified model for CE1-CE2 and reverse mode for college students

Brings together math activities based – in general – on photos that contain something helpful in solving a problem how to draw kids.

This couple “a photo / a problem” makes it possible to anchor maths in reality and question the pupils about their environment.


Examples: What fractions are shown in this picture? How far will a motorist go if he respects these indications?

What could be better than looking on Twitter to understand what it is entire:

And you will find much more information. As the students like to manipulate the camera or the tablet, they are generally inspired 🙂

Watch the Fundamentals video clips.

Do you know the videos on the site Les Fondamentaux, Learning Activities offered by Canopé? No ?! So quickly take a look at these very well-made tiny capsules that can complement a math lesson or serve as an introduction to a new concept (reverse class). There are several dozen, especially for cycle 3, but also for cycle 2.

Some videos, The Fundamentals, in the Calculation category

Practice mental arithmetic with Mathéros

Mathéros is a platform published by the Mon Ecole site that allows you to train in mental arithmetic in a fun way Learning Activities. Many games will enable you to learn concepts by manipulating, training by automating procedures, and of course, all this while having fun. The games are motivating and the learning offered is adapted and progressive according to successes or difficulties in Learning Activities. Each student has a superhero avatar, which evolves based on their progress. The teacher, for his part, can follow the results of each of his students via a dedicated. Interface and personalize the progressions.

The count in cycle 2

On the Bout de Gomme blog, you will find a rather incredible amount of material to download and print and make three times nothing (bottle caps, for example) to work on the count in cycle Learning Activities. That’s good though, it’s beautiful, and it’s free. In short, a gold mine when you start in CP or CE1. That one would like to be freed a little from the files.

The Heuristic Method of Mathematics

We hear a lot about this method, applicable from kindergarten to CM2, especially on social networks. Its vocation is to teach math “differently,” with pleasure and efficiency. We present it to you in more detail in our blog article dedicated to it: The Heuristic Method of Mathematics.


If you are running out of ideas on how to tackle fractions Learning Activities. we can only recommend the excellent article on the subject of Tablets and Pirouettes. Girls share her resources to manipulate this notion: sharing food, material printed with a 3D printer, software, and fonts to easily create student documents and exercises, board games, applications.

In an article, Charivari at school presents a board game she fell in love with: The Potions Workshop. She explains to us how this game is excellent for working on fractions while having fun.

The Legos

Do not forget the tremendous timeless classics: when you have a box of Legos/technic available Learning Activities. The manipulations are endless, regardless of the students’ age. Representation of number, addition, multiplication, fractions, symmetry, areas, doubles, and halves. Treat yourself!

Make programming

If you want to get started in programming but are unsure where to start, we recommend this article from Tablets and Pirouettes on programming at school. Girls begin by deconstructing a few preconceptions. And she then explains how programming gives rise to informative projects, responding to many program skills. Finally, she shares some resources and ideas.

Another exciting and free resource: the site The knight of programming, discovered thanks to this article by Charivari at school.

Set up the ritual “Every day counts” and celebrate the 100th day of school

Everything is in the title! The day counting ritual makes it possible to sweep the ordinal numbers (the first day, the hundredth day) and cardinal (10 days elapsed since the school year). The pupils progress little by little in their representation of the number: the small numbers are favorable to review the terms in constellations/fingers of the hand/dice, then one evolves quickly towards the decomposition in units/tens/hundreds. The ritual can be adapted to all types of classes, regardless of the material available!

This ritual is well explained on the blog La Classe de Sanleane. How to set it up, ritual activities, and materials. There is even an explanatory video to get started.

The class of Sanléane

The hundredth day of school is meant to be festive to help the students to cross this symbolic milestone without apprehension. And to discover all the facets of the number 100. You will find Lutin Bazar’s blog full of ideas to make this day exceptional in cycle Learning Activities.

But it’s not just for CP-CE students. In cycle three, the hundredth day’s feast can give rise to vigorous activities, such as Tablettes et Pirouettes or Maitresse de la Forêt.

Solve video puzzles and play a mathematical escape game

Math puzzles are often an excellent way to get students to rack their brains and do math “differently” and without appearing to be. It can even become a morning ritual in the classroom. You can offer written puzzles, of course. Many books provide it. If you have a TNI, you can also offer video puzzles, such as those offered by the site of the University of Laval (Canada).

The brilliant My School site, of which we have just presented the Mathéros application above, also offers a brand new turnkey educational Escape game to work on mathematics. For the moment, only episode 1 is available: MathDisparition. Roll on the following episodes 🙂

Set up a math centre

We had already told you about the centres, with a few examples for Learning Activities. The centres also work in mathematics. Students can work on several math skills through different activities offered to students over some time. Students can rotate through the other activities, or do it several times, moving forward at their own pace. The teacher ensures that the activities run smoothly, can lead a guided workshop, and offer time to review the centres.

All this is very clearly explained in the blog article But what does the teacher do? You will find clarifications on the difference between centres and workshops, advice, and very concrete ideas for the organization of the centres and their evaluation. Marina offers you some of her preparation tools and links to several sites with great ideas.

Play Tetris

Geometry is not in the spotlight in this article. I suggest you end with a game of geometry Learning Activities. It will be an opportunity for the students to cut out with precision Tetris puzzle pieces called tetrominoes and to have fun filling a grid by completing the lines with reports drawn from an envelope.

In the vein of the wooden pentomino, each student can make his own paper game. If you want a longer life, opt for a little thicker paper.

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Tony Lanzap, a distinguished astrologer, possesses a profound understanding of celestial patterns. With years of experience, he has honed his skills in interpreting the cosmos to provide insightful guidance. Tony's unique approach blends traditional wisdom with modern insights, making him a sought-after expert in the realm of astrology. His commitment to helping individuals navigate life's journey has earned him acclaim and trust among those seeking cosmic clarity.