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What Is a Dissertation?

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The dissertation is the academic assignment that is also known as thesis. The dissertation is different from the essay as the essays are usually of 2500 to 3000 words maximum. On the other hand, the dissertation is an extended written treatment. The dissertation is the research work that one does for the different levels of masters mostly. The dissertation is written to increase the mastery of the researcher. The dissertation is used through the critical analysis of the evidence.

How to structure a dissertation

Step 1: Write a winning dissertation proposal

The dissertation proposals are the primary information of dissertation work. The dissertation proposal is the description of the what one wants to do in the dissertation. The proposals are written before writing the dissertation. Proposals generally have specific structures. In the proposal the introduction part or the problem statement comes first. In this segment the do my homework topic and problems are stated. The research objectives and questions are also set in the research proposal. The other parts of the proposal structure are the literature review, overview of the research methodology and the research timelines.

Step 2: Conduct an effective research

In order to conduct an effective research, the first step is to plan the research objective and research aims are to be finalized before starting the research work on write my assignment . Another important thing is the research rationale and problem statement. The problem that is to be addressed in the study is to be discussed in the research work. The methodology of the research work builds the base for the research success. This is the part where the research tools and techniques are discussed in details. The literature review is the second chapter of a dissertation which requires extensive review of the existing research works on the research topic that are already existing. The methodology, literature review, data collection and analysis lead to the findings. The researcher needs to be careful while writing down the findings as analyze how much research objective is gained in reality.

Step 3: Write a mind-blowing dissertation

The dissertation must be well planned and well developed so that the research objectives could be reached. In order to do that the researcher must have the analyzing capacity, critical thinking capacity and writing skills. The dissertations need to be well -structured and the information should be presented in coherent and efficient ways. The writer of the dissertation needs to have the research aim in his head through -out the study work. The data collection and analysis are the most important part for the research findings. The ethical aspects also need to be maintained while writing the dissertation. The drafts are to be developed at the time of study and the final copy should be the result of multiple revision of the drafts presented. The structure of the rate my paper could be divided in the five chapters- Introduction, Literature Review, Research Methodology, Data Analysis and Conclusion. The subparts of the structure could be-

Step 4: Edit and Proofread the Dissertation like a Pro

The editing and proof reading of the dissertation is necessary so that there are no errors in the dissertation work. In order to edit the dissertation like a pro, one must have the basic knowledge of the grammar and the sentence structure. The dissertation needs to be definitive and direct as well as it should be long enough to have all the necessary explanations. Proofreading could be done on the basis of the feedback provided by the supervisor.

Step 5: Get feedback
Getting the feedback about the dissertation work is necessary. It is suggested that the researcher must consult the supervisor for the feedback after completing each of the chapters. This way, the revision could be done effectively. The feedbacks and comments of the supervisor will help the resea5rcher to have a more effective outlook of the study conducted. The supervisor can contribute a more insightful outlook to the study.  

What is dissertation Abstract?

The dissertation abstract is the gist of the dissertation work. This is the short form of the whole research work. The data that are discussed and analyzed in the study is presented in short form in the abstract. The abstract acts as the introduction for the readers to the research work. This means that the researchers could gain an insight of what they are going to read in the dissertation paper. Some of the research abstract is divided in small section like research problems, methodology, literature review and the research findings. The abstract is usually written at the end of the research work so that the research results could be presented in it. The reason for writing the abstract at the end of the research work is that the researcher needs to incorporate the information that will attract the attention of the readers. The audience of the dissertation paper will be interested to read the study only if they find the study relevant for them. The Abstract is one of the most important part of the dissertation paper that has be developed at end of the study and with special care.

What is dissertation Conclusion?

The dissertation conclusion is the part where the researcher wraps up the research findings and the connects the study with the objectives set at the introduction part. The conclusion is the end chapter of the dissertations that also have the discussion of the future scopes of a study. In most of the social science dissertations, the conclusion chapter is structured as- overview, linking with objectives, recommendations and future scope for the study. In the overview part, the study outcomes and findings are vriefed. For example, in the study related to CSR Impact on company performance of Tesco PLC, the conclusion overview will look like-

This chapter will provide the overall summary of the study and the recommendations for the Tesco PLC in UK. The chapter will also link the research objectives with the research findings. The study clearly shows that the organisational CSR of the Tesco PLC UK has increased their performance. The company has implemented the CSR techniques that increases their financial as well as the socially responsible business practices. The CSR has also influenced the company culture. The employees re motivated to perform in a positive workplace where they get the required support for their work. At the same time, the company has mostly focused on the company financial development and lacked in the social development programs as the part of their philanthropic objectives. The company has the environment safe business process. It uses the waste management process that is instrumental in improving the environment quality. The company uses the local resources in order to have sustainable business practices. There are some controversies related to the employee management in the company. As the employees are the primary stakeholder of the company, there is a scope of development for the CSR in the employee welfare aspect. This will improve the employee response and motivation that will ultimately result in company performance enhancement.”

As seen in the part, the researcher has discussed about the study findings along with the relevant information of the company. the overview part is important to put the study in a comprehensive manner to the readers. The recommendation part of the conclusion is optional according to the need of the study.

Linking with objectives is the art where the researcher evaluates the study outcomes with the study objectives. This is a crucial part where the initial study aims are compared with the study results. The target is to analyze whether the study is relevant to the research aims and objectives or not. Lastly, a future study scope is provided with the conclusion part. In this section, the researcher states the scopes and opportunities that the study could add for the future research requirements of the new researchers. For example, the same study on Tesco future scope could be-

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