5 Common Errors with Local SEO and How to Avoid Them

errors with local SEO
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Almost 46% of all Google users are looking for local information. They account for almost 50% of Google’s two trillion yearly searches.

This makes local SEO one of your most valuable marketing tools. Being the first result when customers search in your area is the ultimate goal, but it means avoiding a few pitfalls.

Read on to learn how to prevent five errors with local SEO.

1. Not Creating a Google My Business Profile

At least 4% of customers use Google My Business to find addresses or phone numbers. It’s a directory of local businesses that tells Google where they’re located.

Make sure to claim your free Google Business Profile or GBP listing. Optimizing it by including your:

  • Address
  • Phone number
  • Business hours
  • Website
  • Reviews
  • Photos

Not having a Google Business profile hurts your local search results and your results in Google Maps. That’s what makes it one of your most important digital marketing tools.

2. Not Using the Right Keywords

SEO and keywords are intimately connected because they make sure that customers find you when they need your service or products. Not finding the right ones or using them the wrong way is a common mistake.

Keep your keywords specific to increase your rankings in SERPs and drive more traffic. Try geo-targeted ones that include your location, and put them in your:

  • Page titles
  • Meta descriptions
  • Body
  • Image alt text

Even though they’re important, avoid keyword stuffing. Don’t put them too close to each other or use too many of them.

3. No Reviews or Ignoring Negative Ones

84% of customers trust reviews as much as personal recommendations. Your business needs them to help gain their trust and helps Google realize you deserve to be at the top of search results. They should appear wherever you market your business, including your website, social media profiles, and other online profiles.

Respond to negative reviews to provide context to them. Report spam or inaccurate ones to have them removed.

4. Poor or Not Mobile-Optimized Content

Marketing businesses online requires quality blog posts, videos, and photos. Specialized content related to your local area helps you rank higher by showing Google that you’re an authority. It also helps you build relationships with customers.

At least 53% of all internet searches are done over the phone. That’s why it’s essential to mobile-optimize your website and other content.

Failing to do so leaves mobile visitors with an unpleasant experience, and they’ll leave to spend their money elsewhere. You’ll also rank lower in mobile searches.

Your images need to be optimized as well. Avoid issues such as missing alt text, large file sizes, and poor URL structures.

5. No Backlinks

A backlink helps you rank higher because it shows Google that your website is valuable enough that others want to link to it. Not having them is one of the more costly and common errors with local SEO because it’s difficult to do.

Directories are a great starting point. This is also one area where local SEO and social media come together. Write guest posts for other blogs and create quality content of your own.

You’ll need to have a full link-building strategy. An SEO company can help you with that and all other aspects of local SEO.

Advice Beyond Errors with Local SEO

Customers want to find what they want nearby, which is why errors with local SEO can be damaging. Make sure to get a Google My Business profile, use the right keywords, respond to reviews, create quality content, and get backlinks.

Read the rest of our content for more tips on growing your business.

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Pankaj Majumder, a seasoned Civil Engineer, combines technical expertise with a passion for innovative infrastructure solutions. With a strong academic background and diverse project experience, he excels in creating sustainable and resilient structures that shape the future of urban development.