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6 Proven Tips To Increase The Weight Of Small Babies

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Nurturing a baby is a marvelous experience. The newborns are very delicate and their immune system is not very strong yet. Therefore, they need extra care and attention. The first-time parents often feel difficulty in understanding the behavior and psychology of the babies. In addition, they require the help of a pediatrician or an experienced professional to take good care of the infant. 

Even after properly and timely feeding the babies, some parents cannot increase their weight to an optimum level. If you are also among those mothers or fathers who usually compare the small cheeks of their little one with the chubby cheeks of healthy babies, this article is especially for you. Here we will give you 6 amazing tips on how to increase baby weight in a healthy way. 

But, before going on, let us discuss why some babies do not gain expected weight.

  • Poor breastfeeding management is the major cause of low weight gain in babies. 
  • Sometimes infants do not get enough calories, which can also affect their weight and growth. 
  • Another reason for poor weight gain in babies is gestational and other chronic disorders. 
  • The little ones experiencing some neurological problems also remain thin and skinny.
  • Genetic disorders also affect the health and weight of infants.
  • Deficiency of essential nutrients can cause slow weight gain in infants. 

That’s why pediatricians suggest feeding multivitamins and iron supplements to babies.


Read More: The Ultimate Guide on Iron Supplements for Infants!!!

6 Tips To Making Baby Chubby


  • Give Healthy Solid Foods

Feed solid foods to your loved ones when they get 6 months old. At this time, their taste buds are under development. You can take advantage of this and give healthy foods like meat, fruits, vegetables, fortified cereals, eggs, etc. Right now the kid is too young to make a fuss about food, so you can add all the healthy items in the list.  Don’t forget to thoroughly mash the solids before feeding.

The following food items can help in increasing your child weight

  • Avocado
  • Olive Oil
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt
  • Nut Butter
  • Milk 
  • Potato 
  • Banana


  • Give Massage

Give a full body massage to your baby with natural oils like coconut, olive, or almond. There is a nerve in our body called “vagus”. It connects the nervous system with the vital organs of the body, including the digestive tract. Massage stimulates this nerve and eventually improves the digestion & bowel function of the baby. Your child will digest the solid and liquid foods appropriately and become roly-poly within a few months. It is important to shut the doors and keep your room warm before giving a massage to your baby. 


  • Do Not Think Twice To Give Nutrient Alternatives

Sometimes healthy foods solely do not severe the nutritional demands of babies. Poor nutrition can make them lean and weak. In such circumstances, you should not hesitate to give alternatives to little ones. Expert physicians always recommend multivitamin and iron supplements to babies from 0 to 5 years of age. 


  • Schedule Meal Plan

Schedule proper mealtime for the small heroes and little fairies. The little tummies could not hold many reserves: that’s why you need to feed them after every 2-3 hours. In addition to breakfast and lunch, they should also be served mid-morning and mid-launch meals. Plan their meals at the start of the day in order to avoid any chaos at a later time.


  • Breast Feed Can Help

According to the experts, breast milk is best for babies and should be given till the baby is at least 6 months old. But, it doesn’t mean that you cannot breastfeed after that. Mother’s milk contains optimum amounts of proteins, antioxidants, fats, etc., that help in the physical and mental development of the baby. So, don’t stop breastfeeding until your child gets one year old. 


  • Practice CloseSleeping

Close sleeping can also help inadequate growth as well as weight gain of small babies. They feel secure and comfortable when they sleep close to their mom. Also, such babies become less prone to cardiovascular diseases and SID (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Not just that, bed-sharing also elevates the prolactin (milk-producing hormone) in mothers.


Wrapping Up -:

If your child is having food allergies or cannot digest food properly, it would be better to see the pediatrician on time. They will guide you on how to proceed with the baby’s weight gain plan.

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