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10 Leading Benefits of Learning a Second Language

10 Leading Benefits of Learning a Second Language
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Undoubtedly, globalization has brought along numerous advantages for people around the world. With ease in mobility, the masses have been able to communicate information and exchange ideas with the people living in far-flung corners of the world. People in this time travel for a number of reasons that include; business, tourism, education as well as leisure. As a result, they learn about different demographic variables that differentiate humans from each other. It instills enhanced communication skills in individuals as they learn to interact with people belonging to different ethnic groups.

Talking about communication, learning a variety of languages can be of significant value for individuals. Educationists and professional educational writers from Dissertation writing service the UK, assert that the benefits that ensure, are perhaps unmatched. And this is why it should be made a compulsory subject in schools.

Here are the 9 Substantial Benefits to Learning a Second Language:

Improves Brain Power

A new language for the brain means, new interpretation mechanism, a new set of rules, a new structure, and a plethora of unique lexical resources. This exposes the human brain to a new level of complexity which serves as a mental exercise. As a result, thinking process is varied and perceptions also differ from earlier. With an introduction to a whole new set of data, individuals are able to enhance their cognitive skills which help them in problem-solving, critical analysis and also improves their grasping ability. The brain learns to comprehend new patterns and sequences and makes better use of the skills acquired. With this, individuals can significantly benefit on a personal as well as professional level.

Enhances Memory

You must have heard the phrase ‘use it, or lose it’. It applies in cognition as well. The more an individual uses their brain, to think, to evaluate, to reason out or to analyze, the better it performs in all circumstances. Learning a new language is a process that not only requires familiarity with new words but it demands the ability to recall and implement the knowledge as well. This is turn, helps them improve their memory as whatever information and knowledge they garner, they are able to store it instantly. Studies suggest, bilinguals and multi-linguals are better at remembering names and other forms of data compared to the ones who only know one language.

Mind is Sharpened

A study from York University revealed that those who have learned and use foreign languages have sharp observation skills and can sense unusual occurrences right away. It is said that their minds are trained enough to detect deception and irrelevant activity faster than the monolinguals. With a sharp mind, they are not easily misguided as they make effective use of logical reasoning. It is no surprise that known characters like Sherlock Holmes are skilled linguists.

Bilinguals are good Multi-taskers

Multi-tasking can be an uphill battle for the ones not used to it or the people who do not practice it regularly. As an individual attains adulthood, they are burdened with multiple responsibilities that need to be fulfilled simultaneously. This is where they need the skill to multi-task the most. It is indeed a very useful skill that not only saves time but also helps them excel in their important life goals. Moreover, this ability makes it tad bit easier for the individuals to switch from one environment to another as they have already learned how to deal with an entirely new phenomenon.

Impact on Decision Making power

According to language studies conducted by University of Chicago, learning a different language considerably impacts decision making ability. Individuals who know multiple languages find it easier to reach conclusions and make informed decisions better and faster than the ones who speak only one language. Apart from learning lexical resources, language learners constantly judge nuances and expressions to fathom out hidden meanings. Better and quicker comprehension of circumstances and situations helps them reach a wise decision within no time.

The better grip of the Native Language

Individuals learning a new language always interpret things in their own language first. They will often link words from both languages that have the same meaning. With this practice of constantly looking up the word in their mother language, they get even more proficient in it. They comprehend well and use better vocabulary in their native language quite intuitively.

Improved Performance in Academia

Evidence suggest that students studying in schools with a mandatory second language performed better in their academics compared to the ones who did not have the opportunity for it. This is perhaps the result of sharpened cognitive skills. With the ability of rapid comprehension and deeper understanding of subjects, students get smarter ultimately scoring better marks in their tests. Not just that, their problem-solving and analytic skills go a long way as they assist them in their professional life.

Acceptance and Acknowledgement

A language is a form of identification. Every nation has its own language which sets them apart from the others. When an individual learns a foreign lang, it instills in them a sense of acceptance for the other language speakers. They begin to acknowledge cultural diversity, which helps them in networking with pupils belonging to other parts of the world and also respect their customs and traditions. With better networking, they are able to exchange ideas, consequently boost the growth and development of the people individually and as a whole.

Better Career Choices

Organizational cultures have taught companies what a valuable resource multi-lingual can be for them. They add significant value to the company’s workforce and lately it has been observed that companies are now giving preference to candidates who have a grip of at least two different languages. Knowing more than one language perhaps serves as a competitive edge for the learner.

There are many advantages to adding lang to the school curriculum. Be it optional or mandatory, the outcomes are thought to be positive nonetheless. In order to contribute positively to the growth and development of individuals (and the nation), it is essential educationists shed light on the importance of incorporating different languages and design curriculum accordingly.

Better Career Choices

Organizational cultures have taught companies what a valuable resource multi-lingual can be for them. They add significant value to the company’s workforce and lately it has been observed that companies are now giving preference to candidates who have a grip of at least two different languages. Knowing more than one language perhaps serves as a competitive edge for the learner.

There are many advantages to adding languages to the school curriculum. Be it optional or mandatory, the outcomes are thought to be positive nonetheless. In order to contribute positively to the growth and development of individuals (and the nation), it is essential educationists shed light on the importance of incorporating different languages and design curriculum accordingly.

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