What Are the Most Common Eye Conditions That Are Diagnosed Today?

common eye conditions
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Have you noticed a change in your vision?

A study done by the NIH indicated that 14 million Americans aged 12 and older suffer from some type of visual impairment. The same study showed that of those 14 million, more than 11 million have undiagnosed visual problems.

It can be difficult to know what may be happening with your vision. Therefore, it’s important to be up-to-date on the most common eye conditions diagnosed today.

Keep reading to learn about some of these common conditions.

Refractive Errors

Refractive errors occur when light is not focused properly because of the shape and/or size of your eye. This is what causes myopia (nearsightedness) and hyperopia (farsightedness), very common visual issues.

These errors can also cause presbyopia (loss of near vision due to aging) and astigmatism (a curved cornea, which can cause blurred vision).

Glasses or contacts usually correct these errors.


Glaucoma, a disease that affects the optic nerve, is the leading cause of irreversible blindness in the world. Often the buildup of pressure in your eye causes damage to the nerve.

Untreated, glaucoma can cause a permanent loss of vision. There are often no early signs of this disease, so it’s important to have your eyes examined regularly. Your eye doctor can perform tests designed to check the pressure in your eye.

Proper treatment can reduce the effects of glaucoma.


When the normally clear lens of the eye is clouded, this is often due to a cataract. Seeing through a cataract can be like looking through fog.

Cataracts can develop slowly, so if your eye doctor spots one forming, it’s important to watch it over time. Glasses or eye drops can mitigate the effects for a while.

Once your vision is impaired enough that it’s affecting your day-to-day activities, you may need cataract surgery. Cataract surgery is safe and usually improves your vision in a relatively short amount of time.

Check out more on cataract surgery in here.


Also called pinkeye, this is a highly contagious eye disease. With its trademark red and puffy eyes, conjunctivitis can look pretty serious. It is, however, very treatable with antibiotic eye drops.

You should see a doctor if you suspect you (or a loved one) have conjunctivitis. If left untreated, more swelling and a fever can occur. If someone in your household has conjunctivitis, avoid sharing objects and wash your hands often.

Retinal Issues

There are several conditions which can affect the retina’s optimal health.

A retina can become detached because of an injury or disease, family history, or after cataract surgery. Some signs might be blurred vision or floaters (small specks moving in your field of vision). Most retinal detachments are fixed through surgery.

Macular degeneration is another condition that affects the retina. This is the leading cause of vision loss in those aged 60 and older. Symptoms of this disease include a loss of central vision or the appearance of straight lines as wavy.

There’s no cure for macular degeneration, but proper treatment can slow the disease down.

What You Can Do for Common Eye Conditions

If you’re experiencing a change in your vision, you should contact an eye doctor as soon as possible. An optometrist or ophthalmologist should be able to diagnose these and other common eye conditions. Once your problem had been detected, treatment can begin.

Be sure to check out the rest of our site for more information about taking care of your health.

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Alice Christina, a seasoned health writer, combines her passion for wellness with a strong foundation in evidence-based research. She crafts insightful content that empowers readers to make informed health decisions. Alice's expertise shines through her concise and reliable health articles.