Everything you Need to Know About Intrauterine Insemination

Everything you Need to Know About Intrauterine Insemination
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Intrauterine insemination– Let’s start the discussion Intrauterine insemination. With the growth of science and technology, medical procedures have changed, and many such procedures have come into existence that was earlier impossible. For humanity, the present growth of science and technology is like a blessing.

Couples who have problems conceiving a child can also enjoy the joy of parenting by conceiving with the help of artificial reproduction technologies. To conceive a child, many people will go through invasive and non-invasive treatments. One of such non-invasive treatments is IUI, that is, intrauterine insemination. You can get this treatment done from one of the best IVF center in Jaipur.

This article has discussed everything about intrauterine insemination treatment, its cost, and the procedure involved. Read this article and get to know more about intrauterine insemination.

Why did couples opt for Intrauterine Insemination?

Intrauterine insemination is a less expensive procedure than IVF. It is non-invasive and thus relatively cheaper. This process helps those couples who wish to conceive but are unable to. The reasons could be many. For the birth of a child, sperms will place directly in the uterus, which increases the chances of pregnancy. Let’s discuss some difficulties and reasons facing in conceiving.

1. Unexplained Infertility: When there is infertility in the male or the female partner, but the doctor couldn’t find the reason for fertility then this type of fertility is called unexplained fertility. Intrauterine insemination treatment may be best for such type of infertility.

2. Low Sperm Count: This may be another reason that the couple is unable to conceive. As a result, the chances of pregnancy come close to 0. This may be because of the increasing age of the male partner and many other reasons.

3. Sperm Mobility Issues: When the male partner produces sperms, but their movement is hindered across the uterus, pregnancy is obstructed due to sperm mobility issues. This happens because of the sperm’s ability to swim across the environment of the vagina and uterus.

4. Ejaculation or Erection Related Problems: Pregnancy becomes hard to achieve if the problem lies in premature ejaculation or is related to improper erection. The process of Intrauterine insemination helps to overcome this problem and can effectively help to achieve pregnancy.

5. Same-Sex Couples or Single Woman Conceiving: If you cannot conceive because both the people in a couple are of the same sex or if there is a case of single woman motherhood, pregnancy is impossible naturally. But using a technique like intrauterine insemination can be helpful.

The reasons are not complete here. There are many other reasons and difficulties of conceiving. Here we discuss the most common and important reasons for intrauterine insemination. Also, the reason depends on person to person.

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The Procedure of Intrauterine Insemination

The process of intrauterine insemination is usually painless and not invasive.

Most of the females feel and experience comfort during the treatment procedure. In Intrauterine insemination treatment, there is no need for anaesthesia.

  • To begin with, the female partner’s menstruation is determined, and ovulation time is determined.
  • For 10-15 days medicines are also suggested then the current status will be check by doctors
  • Then, the semen sample is taken from the male partner and is ‘washed’ near the ovulation period.
  • After this insemination process, the female lies on the examination table for 30 minutes or so. Although the process is usually painless and takes place with no discomfort, some women go through bleeding and pain after the process.
  • Two weeks following the intrauterine insemination procedure, you can start testing for pregnancy.

This is the whole procedure of this treatment. This process is safe and painless for most of the patients.

The Cost of IUI

Before opting for a treatment like intrauterine insemination, many couples wonder if the process is truly worth the cost or is it over-expensive and difficult to afford. This process is cheaper than invasive treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF) and success rate.

This treatment is cheaper than IVF and has almost the same effect as IVF. One cycle of intrauterine insemination costs as low as IN 3,000. There might be chances of two or more cycles of this treatment if the patient is not achieving the pregnancy in the first attempt. If we take medicines then the total cost of IUI is INR 10,000 on average.

The Final Say About

Here in this article, we mentioned everything about intrauterine insemination. Read everything and get every answer regarding IUI. If you have a problem conceiving a child, this is the best option for achieving pregnancy affordably and effectively.

You must follow all the medicines and advice which your doctor says and you will be able to achieve pregnancy in the first few attempts. It is affordable, safe, and easy, so many people opt for an easier pregnancy. Hope this article will help you by giving complete information regarding Intrauterine Insemination. Read everything properly for complete knowledge.

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