What Do You Need for a Mortgage Prequalification?

mortgage prequalification
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One of the most stressful aspects of buying a home is the mortgage process. You want to find a mortgage lender and get started but you don’t know how to begin the process.

When you begin the mortgage process, the finance qualification process can be confusing. Lenders use different terms, so you may not know what you are signing. But the first step is getting prequalified for a mortgage.

Getting prequalified for a mortgage is a way to gauge how much you can afford to spend on your home. Here is everything you need to know about mortgage prequalification.

Documents Needed for a Mortgage Preapproval

When you’re ready to get prequalified, you’ll need to supply some basic financial information. These documents will give your lender the information they need to determine how much money they’re willing to lend you.

Income and Employment

Borrowers need to provide tax returns for the previous two years as well as current pay stubs and W-2 forms. If self-employed, tax returns for the previous two years and current profit and loss statements will be required.

In addition, borrowers will need to provide bank statements for the previous two months as well as asset documentation such as investment account statements.


This includes any savings, investments, or other liquid assets you have that could be used for a down payment or to cover closing costs. You will also need to provide documentation of any real estate or other property you own. This may include a current appraisal or other documentation of value


Lenders will want to see a list of all of your debts, including credit cards, loans, and any other monthly payments you may have. They will also want to see how much you owe on each debt and what your monthly payments are. This information will help them determine your Debt-to-Income (DTI) ratio and whether or not you can afford to take on a mortgage.

Other Records


Your lender will likely ask for proof of rent. This can be in the form of a lease agreement, or a letter from your landlord stating your current rent amount and length of the lease.

In some cases, a lender may accept a canceled rent check as proof of rent. Be sure to ask your lender what they require for proof of rent, so you can gather the necessary documents and have them ready when you apply for pre-qualification.


When going through a divorce, both parties will need to provide several documents to prequalify for a mortgage. These documents include a copy of the divorce decree and child support documentation if applicable.

The divorce decree is necessary to show that the divorce is final and that both parties are legally allowed to sell the property. Child support documentation is needed to show that the non-custodial parent is up-to-date on their payments.


This is to show that you are currently living in the home that you are wanting to finance. The mortgage lender will use this information to help determine if you are a good candidate for a loan.

Your lender will need to see proof of your current utility expenses to get an accurate picture of your financial situation. This could include a recent electric bill, water bill, or gas bill.

When Should I Get Prequalified?

There’s no set answer to this question, as everyone’s situation is different. However, in general, you should consider getting prequalified for a mortgage when you’re seriously considering buying a home.

This way, you’ll know how much you can afford to spend, and can avoid getting in over your head. Prequalification is generally quick and easy, so it’s a good first step to take before starting your home search.

Does Getting Prequalified Affect Your Credit Score?

Prequalifying for a mortgage doesn’t affect your credit score, but it is a necessary step in the home-buying process. Lenders use information from your credit report to calculate your prequalification amount, so having a good credit score is important.

Once you’re prequalified, you’ll need to supply additional documentation to finalize your mortgage application. This documentation includes verification of your employment, income, and assets. The final step is getting approved for the mortgage, which does require a credit check.

Understand About Mortgage Prequalification Vs. Preapproval

When you’re shopping for a home, you’ll likely encounter the terms prequalified and preapproved. They both indicate that you’re ready to move forward in the mortgage process, but what exactly do they mean?

Mortgage Prequalification

An initial evaluation of your financial situation, and it’s usually pretty quick and easy. A lender will look at your credit score, your annual income, and your debts, and then give you a ballpark estimate of how much home you can afford.

Mortgage Preapproval

Is the more thorough evaluation of your finances. In addition to looking at your credit score and income, a lender will also look at your employment history, your debts, and your assets. If everything looks good, you’ll be pre-approved for a mortgage, which means you’ll have a better idea of what kind of interest rate you’ll qualify for.

If you’re just starting to shop for a home, choosing a mortgage lender would be a great impact on your future house.

Making Mortgage Prequalification Easier for New Owners

New home ownership is an exciting time, but the process of qualifying for a mortgage can be daunting. Lenders have made it easier to prequalify for a mortgage, so that new homeowners can shop with confidence, knowing how much they can afford.

Mortgage prequalification simplifies the process and enables you to determine your financial capability. Prequalification will save you time and hassle in the long run.

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Alfred Williams, a distinguished business writer, navigates the corporate landscape with finesse. His articles offer invaluable insights into the dynamic world of business. Alfred's expertise shines, providing readers with a trustworthy guide through the complexities of modern commerce.