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3+1 Steps To Make Your Performance Management Process Effective

Make Your Performance Management Process Effective
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The performance review season has approached. Every company, be it small or large, is busy with one-to-one conversations, giving and receiving feedback and much more.

For many employees, the performance review process is one of the most stressful work-related conversations of the year. Not to forget, it is equally stressful for managers as well. Traditionally, performance review includes one person to stand in judgment of another. Let’s face it, it’s acutely uncomfortable! 

That said, it is high time for us to use the right approach to the performance management process. Since this process is an opportunity instead of an ordeal, companies should do everything correctly.  Only then, they can repose faith and confidence in solid performers and redirect poor performers in the right direction. 


According to a recent study, 50 percent of employees do not understand their work expectations and goals fully. This is the reason why a good number of Indian organizations have switched from traditional tools to automated performance management software lately. Such systems have helped them to boost engagement and productivity 5x more with clear and automated goal sharing, continuous feedback and proper recognition. Now, apart from the right technology, a company also needs the right performance management approach to acquire the desired results. 

In this blog, we will tell you four effective ways to make this performance review season more productive and less nerve-racking. Let’s dive in. 

Set Clear Expectations & Adopt Efficient Check-in Mechanism

Before starting the whole process, managers should help their employees understand how they will be evaluated along the way. For this, companies can hold performance planning sessions wherein employees’ goals and supervisors’ expectations can be clearly discussed. This way, the overall performance of employees can be improved as they will have clarity of expected outcomes. 

Also, a periodicity of performance conversations is necessary. Companies should always have the right balance between ongoing feedback sessions and periodic assessments. This in turn will empower employees on a continuous basis and help them to acquire their goals efficiently. 

Consider Data-Driven Discussions

Companies should value the opinion of their employees about themselves and build a culture where opinions are fact-based. This will make the performance conversation data-driven. Now, this type of approach has two advantages– employees feel valued and subjectivity is cut down from the performance conversation

So, every employee should be asked to describe their strengths in KRAs and beyond, with relevant data to support their case and areas they believe require improvement. That means employees should attend the face-to-face review meeting after doing a self-assessment. Such an introspective approach will aid employees to critically evaluate their work as well as develop a fair perspective. 

Give Right Feedback

For the longest time, we all have used a feedback system that goes like compliments, criticism and more niceties. But this approach does not convey a clear message. Since performance reviews are the best way to encourage strong performers and confront poor performers, using the right mode and way of giving feedback is essential. 

Talking about poor performers, they should be given a chance through a Performance Improvement Plan (PIP), with a laid out plan, expected outcomes and check-in timelines to make the review process transparent. While strong performers should be motivated to take the next step on their career ladder. 

Also, if you want to ensure a continuous feedback process, just invest in one of the top-notch performance management software in India

Focus On Everything

Managers should change from feedback to feed-forward – where a performance conversation is not a forum to point out the mistakes of an employee. Rather, it should be a platform for both employees as well as employers to learn from them. Throughout the process, managers should focus on the career planning of employees. Besides, they should also work with every employee and make a plan that focuses on what is to be achieved as well as how it is to be achieved.

So, we urge you to try these four approaches to acquire exceptional results this appraisal season.

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Patty Souza, an accomplished education and career expert, leverages a wealth of knowledge to guide individuals towards professional success. Patty's insights are a beacon for those navigating the educational and career landscape, providing trustworthy advice that transforms aspirations into achievements.