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The advantage of a 30-day diet plan for health improvement

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The whole30 diet plan is a health movement that went viral and became popular. It encourages its followers in removing alcohol, sugar, grains, additives, legumes, and dairy products from their diet for almost a month. This was advertised as a complete change in lifestyle and this is the 30-day diet plan a lot of people have been looking for.

The followers of this diet plan simply love the benefits it offers to them. However, critics are skeptical as they believe it to be another unsustainable dieting fad. Should people try this plan? Let us find out.

What is this diet plan about and how is it followed?

The Whole30 diet is a month-long program involving healthy and clean eating. It promises a variety of benefits in health and emotional terms. It was created in the year 2009 by two certified sports nutritionists who promoted it as a way to jump-start a person’s metabolism. It also helped mold the person’s diet plans in a way that helps them on the path of removing obesity.

It focuses on the idea of certain food groups that negatively affect a person’s health and fitness. Thereby, eliminating them from the diet will help the human body recover from obesity and other associated negative effects. A lot of people seem to follow this diet hoping to lose a good amount of weight.

However, some people might also use this program in identifying food items their body cannot tolerate or achieve some of the proposed health benefits it was supposed to have.

The whole concept behind this diet plan is simple – it completely cuts out the foods that are bad for the body and that too in a period of 30 days (just 30 days). After the first month, users can slowly re-introduce the foods they miss while monitoring the effects they have on their respective bodies.

This diet has a strict set of rules. It also provides users with a list of foods that they can assume and a list of those that are not allowed. During this period, it is advised that users restrain from compromising it as they will be compromising their dieting efforts.

Going off-track means users must start the challenge all over again from the first day.

The founders have a claim that following this diet plan will allow them to restart their bodies through the removal of certain food items that can cause inflammation, gut issues, and hormonal imbalances.

Unlike other diet plans, there is no need to check the number of calories taken, measuring any food portions or count points. To check weight, it is imperative that users do so on the first and last day of the dieting program.

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The benefits of the Whole30 Diet plan

Following this diet plan impeccably for 30 days is said to bring numerous health benefits. Among those benefits is

  • fat loss.
  • higher energy levels.
  • improved sleep.
  • reduced food cravings.
  • improved athletic performance.

The founders of this diet plan promise to help users change the way they think about food and their perception of how it tastes. Proponents of it further claim that it can change the emotional relationship people have with the food as well as with their own respective bodies.

Though such health benefits do appear to be very attractive, yet they are bold claims which require scientific evidence to back it up.

Which food items should be eaten?

Whole30 diet plans allow the following foods to be eaten and they are minimally processed foods, such as:

  • Fish and seafood: Anchovies, calamari, crab, fish, lobster, scallops, shrimp and the like.
  • Eggs: All kinds of them as well as food items made from them (homemade mayo included).
  • Fruits: Both fresh and dried fruits.
  • Vegetables: All kinds of vegetables.
  • A small number of fats: Healthy plant oils, coconut oil, duck fat, clarified butter, and ghee.
  • Meat and poultry: Beef, Chicken, Duck, horse, lamb, pork, turkey, and veal.
  • Nuts and seeds: All kinds of nuts and seeds (peanuts can be only consumed moderately).
  • Milk, flour, and butter made from nuts.

Which food items are not allowed?

The following are not allowed in this diet plan:

  • Processed Grains.
  • Processed additives.
  • Pulses and legumes.
  • Sugar and artificial sweeteners.

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