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What Having an Audi Says About You

What Having an Audi Says About you
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The car that you drive says a lot about you. Although stereotyping does take place, with people basing their assumptions on one or two individuals they know, studies have also shown some remarkable similarities based on your choice of car. We looked into what having an Audi reveals about you.

Marketing Profile of Audi Drivers

Marketers draw up profiles of product users so that they can target their advertising at the demographic most likely to purchase their brand. These are very specific. This can be seen in the following description of the typical Audi driver.

This customer segment is mostly male in the 25 to 39 age group. Many of them live in London or Scotland. Their career is likely to be in marketing, advertising, public relations, consulting, or business and they are generally professionals.

Audi drivers are big consumers of information on motoring. They enjoy exercising, particularly running and cycling. The movies they tend to watch most are sci-fi thrillers and courtroom dramas. Their best-loved personalities are Michael Douglas and Jessica Alba. They are avid news readers. Favorite brands are American Express, anything related to travel, and Apple.

Personality of an Audi Driver

Marketers are not the only group who are interested in what the car a person drives reveals about them. Psychologists have done their own research into the subject. This is what they have to say about Audi drivers.

If an Audi driver is asked to describe themselves to a psychologist, they will state that they are very confident and seen as leaders by other people. At the same time, they admit to being short on patience, difficult (read ‘high-maintenance’), demanding, and biased. They value their assets and make wise investments. Quality is important and so they will regularly perform an Audi service Tampa or attend to any strange noises or faults.

Psychologists dug a little deeper and report that Audi drivers like attention, but not only the positive kind. They were shown to be dishonest, inconsiderate, and incompetent. They are big on tradition and sticking to conventions like fashion trends. Simultaneously, they like to make a statement with their appearance and possessions.

How Do Audi Drives Drive?

The third type of study looked into what kind of drivers Audi owners are. In short, they were rated the worst of all drivers on the road. The lack of consideration for others was amply demonstrated by the categories of misdemeanors they were guilty of.

If an Audi driver caused damage to another vehicle, they were likely to deny culpability. Over half of them consistently shouted at other drivers. Only Nissan drivers were rated higher for their propensity to throw rubbish out their car windows. Audi drivers happily take up two parking bays without a thought to other people looking for a parking space and ignore the double yellow signs at schools. They were routinely fined for the commission of fifty-two percent of transgressions out of the 33 items that were assessed.

It would be interesting to know what Audi drivers think of what research has discovered about them. Would they agree, and own up to their behaviors, or would they dispute these assessments?

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Alfred Williams, a distinguished business writer, navigates the corporate landscape with finesse. His articles offer invaluable insights into the dynamic world of business. Alfred's expertise shines, providing readers with a trustworthy guide through the complexities of modern commerce.