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What Is Torticollis? A Brief Guide

what is torticollis
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Has your child suddenly started to tilt their head to one side? In young children, torticollis typically goes away by itself within a few weeks, but if it persists or your child seems uncomfortable, you should make an appointment with your doctor.

Torticollis stretches from a child’s neck muscles to their entire body, and there are several reasons for this potentially life-threatening condition. It isn’t limited to babies; even adults get it too. If the condition is addressed early enough, you can halt the progression.

Are you interested to know more? Then keep reading as we discuss everything you have to know about Torticollis.

What Is Torticollis?

Torticollis, also called the wry neck, is a condition in which your head is tilted to one side, and your chin is pulled toward the opposite shoulder. Torticollis can occur at any age, but it’s most common in infants.

What Are The Symptoms Of Torticollis?

The most common Torticollis symptoms are a tilted and twisted head, which may accompany a stiff or painful neck. Other symptoms may include difficulty moving the head, difficulty swallowing, and a reduced neck range of motion. In some cases, Torticollis can also lead to problems with balance and coordination.

What Causes Torticollis?

Torticollis is usually caused by tightness in the muscles that control your head and neck. It can be caused by various factors, including muscle spasms, neck injuries, and congenital disabilities. The condition can also result from an underlying medical condition, such as cerebral palsy or multiple sclerosis.

How Is Torticollis Diagnosed?

Most cases of Torticollis can be diagnosed with a physical exam. Your doctor will ask you about your symptoms and medical history.

They will also do a physical exam of your neck. You may need imaging tests, such as X-rays, to rule out other causes of your symptoms.

Torticollis can lead to chewing and swallowing problems. It can permanently cause your head to tilt to one side. It can also lead to secondary issues, such as headaches, the neck and shoulders, and dizziness.

How Is Torticollis Treated?

There are several different Torticollis treatments. The most common is physical therapy, which can help to stretch and strengthen the muscles in the neck.

Surgery is an option for some people. But, it is usually only recommended for those with severe cases of Torticollis.

Most Torticollis in children don’t need treatment, and the condition improves on its own within a few months. If your child has Torticollis, position them differently during feedings and playtime.

If you suspect your child has Torticollis, see your doctor for an evaluation. Pediatric rehabilitation can help your child regain a full range of motion in their neck. It can also improve their overall quality of life.

Prevention Is Better than Cure

If you think your child may have Torticollis, it is essential to seek medical attention. Early intervention is key to preventing further complications.

There are several treatments available that can help improve your child’s condition. Physical therapy is often the first line of treatment. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

Contact your doctor or a physical therapist to learn more about treating torticollis and get on the path to recovery. With proper treatment, most children with Torticollis make a full recovery.

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