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Which One Is Better? Psychologist or Psychiatrist

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Nowadays era is a stress era. Many people are facing these types of problems. If you try to find the basic reason behind this, we come out with a conclusion, lack of communication is top of above all reasons.

Today most people having an account on social media like Facebook, Instagram, and so on.  Actually friends on social media are mostly fake. Only a few of them will help you when you actually need it.

In today’s condition, parents are so busy that they don’t have time to communicate with their children. So most of the children think that they are alone. If they have best friends then the problem is not so critical. But everyone is not lucky to have a best friend.

Frustration is the main cause of stress. Repeated negative thoughts will boost your stress resulting in unhealthy conditions. According to WHO (world health organization), Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.  So nowadays many people are suffering from stress. WHO declared stress as a mental disorder.

And what we are consuming these days? A lot of pesticides and all poisonous stuff goes into our body and create stress. Urea is one of the major factor of them. So the Government of all countries should promote organic farming. It will reduce stress up to some extent. In old days, the problem of stress was not serious. So our forefathers used to get easily managed stress situations. They had proper communication and good protein, vitamin-enriched food. But nowadays the scenario has been changed.

Prolonged negative thoughts more than six months is a symptom of stress. One should discuss this problem with his family. If the problem is not getting a proper solution then one should consult a psychologist gold coast. They have years of experience in dealing with such types of stress.

Nowadays there are many options available. Many get confused with psychologists and psychiatrists. So one question comes before us.  Which one is better? The answer to this question is very easy. Going before that topic let us understand the meaning of both psychologists and psychiatrists.

A psychologist checks mental state and behavior by experimenting with someone properly.  A psychologist is not a doctor. To become a psychologist one needs to take a degree in doctor of psychology or doctor of philosophy. It depends totally on one who wants to do a career in practice (PsyD) or in research (Ph.D.).

Psychologists are experts in counseling and are masters in good communication. They have command in human behavior and thinking. But they can’t offer medication. Nowadays psychologists are taking a seminar on different psychological topics like:

– How to focus our mind?

– How to increase our confidence level?

– How to deal with stress?

And so on.

If you are facing problems related to the human mind then you can take advice from them. Up to some limit, they will try to solve your problem. But they can’t prescribe medical treatment to you. As they believe in natural recovery. Due to these reasons, the demand for gold coast psychologist is increasing by passing days.

Psychologists teach you some meditation techniques like yogas and some pranayams. Firstly they will put some questions before you related to your problem. They will ask you lifestyle-related habits. Or they will conduct research on your problems. They will analyze your problems and finally tell you the solution. This means if a person suffering from psychological problems like stress, frustration due to long time failures, I will advise you to go to psychologists.

But if one has a major problem which can’t be cured by a psychologist then and then only I will suggest to consult a psychiatrist. Psychologist gold coast is a team of expert professionals having a good experience. They have the ability to solve all human behavior related problems.

Now let’s talk about psychiatrist….

A psychiatrist is a person who is specialized in the psychiatric field. It is the branch of the medical field related to the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders. Psychiatrists are doctors and check patients to determine which symptoms they have such as physical illness or mental illness.

A psychiatrist generally works with an expert team, which consists of psychologists, therapists, and nursing staff. Psychiatrists have broad training in approach for evaluation and management of mental illness.

Psychiatrists conduct a physical examination, a mental status examination, and so on. Psychiatrists prescribe medicine and psychotherapy., Though their primary work is to concentrate on medical treatment and refer to a psychologist or other therapist for weekly or monthly psychotherapy. In a psychiatric evaluation test, the doctor will ask you about your thoughts, feelings, and normal activities. The psychiatrist will ask you several questions related to your thinking process. He will give a questionnaire and will ask to fill it.

Psychiatrists have knowledge of how to diagnose a patient, how to treat patients, how to behave with the patient in order to get good results. So one should first accept that he/she needs to have certain psychological problems. Because primary thing is that the person is not ready to accept that he/she is suffering from that particular situation.

The person suffering from psychological problems must discuss these problems with their closed ones. As they will help you in advising a good psychiatrist. If your closed ones don’t have any idea about it than one can search on the internet.  A psychiatrist will firstly communicate with you.  He will take you in confidence. They will analyze your problem and tell the solution. Their diagnosis is very efficient to patients. The doctor will determine the diagnosis of depression based on several tests.

A few of them include a physical exam, lab tests, psychiatric evaluation, DSM-5.  In a physical exam test, your doctor can check your mental health on the basis of the physical exam and will ask questions related to your health. In lab tests, the doctor will take a blood test or thyroid test in which he will check that the thyroid system is working properly or not.

In a psychiatric evaluation test, the doctor will ask about your thoughts, feelings, and normal activity. In which he will ask how much percent negative thoughts appears in your mind and the same about the positive. He will give a questionnaire and will ask to fill it.

In the DSM-5 test, the doctor may use the criteria for depression listed in the Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental disorder which is published by the American Psychiatric Association.

As per my point of view psychologists and psychiatrists, both are best. But whom to select it totally depends on the patients’ condition.

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