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Why do you need a Masters in Sports Science?

Masters in Sports Science
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If you are sports enthusiastic to the core and wants to pursue a career in sports, then a Masters degree in Sports science can do wonder. Let’s delve into the past, present, and future of Sports Science.

Greeks are the first to study different aspects of sports scientifically. They developed various types of gadgets and way out to stretch the limit of human endurance. The first Olympics held in 776 BC started a race towards Superman and sowed the seed of Sports Science. However, it developed into a full-fledged and multi-prong discipline during the Cold War era by the erstwhile Soviet regime. Sports as a Nations pride was, of course, much-touted propaganda of Nationalism by the Fuhrer in the 1936 Berlin Olympic.

The scientific approach to Sports by the Soviets changed Sports Science and lifted it to another dimension. The terms like plyometrics, periodization, and interval training are no more Hebrew to sports scientists and are like the Holy Grail.

Subjects covered under Sports Science

The following disciplines are part and parcel of Sports Science: anatomy, psychology, physiology, psychophysiology, neurophysiology, biochemistry, biomechanics, biokinetics, anatomy, and muscle mechanics are only a few to name.

Naturally enough, the entrants must have proper training and knowledge of a few science subjects like chemistry/biochemistry/physics at the school level to understand the courses taught at the undergraduate and graduate level. The basic understanding of biology at the school level is most desirable. A training course in psychology at the undergraduate level is an added advantage for intending students.

Scope and opportunities

The master’s course in sports intends to equip the student with every aspect of sport-related activities. The objective is to make the student understand the intricate path of a sports person’s journey from a fresher to a champion.

Like all specialization courses, a master’s in sports management offers multiple disciplines. For example, you can do your masters in Sports and Exercise Therapy and set up your clinic or find employment with a star athlete/player. It’s not a joke, believe me, the degree is M.Sc. from an elite University. Similarly, you can opt for a masters’ program in Sports and Recreation Administration from another elite University. The course can mold you into a dynamic leader of Community recreation. Therefore, there are plenty of opportunities for you with the right inclination.

Need for Sports Science

The need for sports science is to expand the scope of human capabilities. It’s our nature to scale new heights. Stretch our reaches. Explore possibilities. Besides, a good part of sports science is devoted to the quick recovery of the injured player. Platelet-rich-Plasma (PRP) Therapy is a direct fall-out of Sports science. PRP’s contribution to the pain relief of people suffering from injured tendons is a derivative of sports science. The medical opinion about PRP is skeptical, but those who have undergone the therapy are very positive about its outcome.

It is true indeed that sports science cannot produce a Pele or a Larwood. But it can extend the playing life of the genius by tending them.

Role of Sports Science

The job of a trained faculty of sports science is far more than tending the injured player. It is far more widespread in its scope. A good part involves marketing the events, searching out the right sponsor. The subject of sports science is a vast arena, where a bunch of specialists is toiling hard to improve the cardio-vascular output of an athlete, while others are trying to understand the kinetics of movement of the body parts. Another bunch of experts is trying to integrate the findings and translate them into physical outcomes.

What is your taking?

If you are trying to do a Masters in Sports Science, it is better to understand a few things. A degree or diploma in any stream is only a stepping stone, a kind of level, like a business card. A crafty, well-meaning business card is only an introduction, nothing more and nothing less. It is you who counts before the board.

Unless you are passionate about your stream and think out of the box, you cannot reach the summit.

Sports Science is like an ocean; you must locate where you fit physically and psychologically. After a thorough evaluation, select your stream. If need be, talk to your mentor to the college counselors for guidance. They will guide you. Maybe you are fit for academics. To take part in academia may be, you need a Ph.D. In that case, you must select your topics very carefully.

Here is one more thing you must keep in mind, higher education does not come cheap. There is a cost burden to bear whomsoever might be.

There is one more factor, time. You are investing your precious time, in the actual term, years. And you know time is irreversible. Therefore, think twice before taking the jump.

Remember one thing, with grit and passion- you can do wonders. Believe it and take the jump.

Now you know why you need masters.

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Mike Farrier possesses over 18 years of hands-on experience in software and web development, SEO, social media marketing, eCommerce, and digital marketing. He has been active in the online domain since 2019, serving as a seasoned SEO and digital marketing consultant.