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How to Earn Free Cryptocurrencies?

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When I was studying at the University my Professor always repeated:

Money will become an act of trust “

I didn’t understand exactly what it meant.

At the time, I thought of money as something physical with a value in gold deposited in the vaults of the Bank of Italy …

In short, the transformation of money seemed a bit too philosophical to me.

I did not grasp its meaning.

For me, money was the fruit of hard work, sacrifice, and as such material and endowed with an intrinsic value established by a central authority.

But today I sense that something has changed.

Money is increasingly evanescent.

Its movements are instantaneous and allow immediate transfer regardless of distance.

In my daily life, I no longer see cash, but only confirmations of payments made by Card, Paypal, Skrill….

Money has turned into transactions, into bits.

Cryptocurrencies were born that even decentralize money, eliminating central control over transactions.

I admit that I can’t tell you what this evolution will lead to, but surely the change is epochal.

Nouriel Roubini will also be able to say that BTC is worth zero

However, as long as someone is willing to attribute a value to it, I know that Roubini’s opinion is as valid as that of the Hodlers.

Today there is a huge amount of money (true or false) out there and there are also plenty of offers to get free money.

I don’t want to talk to you about matched betting (but if you don’t know what it is, run to learn more) but about How to Get Free Cryptocurrencies.

In this article

  • # 1 – Cashback Cards – Wirex and the others
  • # 2 – Earn Cryptocurrencies with Faucets
  • # 3 – Exchange, Wallet, and various promotions
  • # 4 – Cryptocurrency lending
  • # 5 – Take advantage of a Fork
  • Conclusions

# 1 – Cashback Cards – Wirex and the others

For about a month I have been using Wirex a debit card that allows you to spend Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

Not having a fortune in Bitcoin to spend (alas) I use it rather accumulate it.

It guarantees a cashback (ie a refund of money) equal to 0.50% of the amount spent.

If you spend around 500 Euros per month with the card as in my case, you will get 2.5 Euros in Bitcoin every month.

After all, they are 30 euros per year for FREE,  from which 12.40 euros of management costs must be removed.

If you want to learn more you can read my review of the Wirex card.

I’ve noticed that other cards replicate Wirex’s features by offering cashback in other cryptocurrencies as well.

However, these cards do not yet have an international operation like Wirex.

I am studying them but I prefer to wait and see if they will assert themselves before telling you about them.

# 2 – Earn Cryptocurrencies with Faucets

There are thousands of sites that distribute satoshi to those who decide to waste time clicking on video advertisements and doing small businesses.

Just type in Bitcoin Faucets on google to find a more or less updated list of all these operators.

How much can you earn per month?

In my experience, a maximum of 10 Euros per month doing at least one hour of “work” per day.

Real crumbs.

In reality, focusing on Crypto which then re-evaluates a lot of this activity can also give satisfaction.

I accumulated my first Bitcoins like this.

And given the revaluation, they have had it was worth it.

Today I no longer carry out this activity except for BTCClicks.

I don’t know why but I like it and sometimes it relaxes me to click on some advertisements on this site.

I will earn 1 Euro every 2/3 months, but it doesn’t cost me much.

# 3 – Exchange, Wallet, and various promotions

To buy or simply store your cryptocurrencies you will need a physical or virtual wallet.

The most famous Wallets are Blockchain and Coinbase.

Do you know what an Airdrop is? I didn’t know this until recently.

This is the free distribution of virtual currencies.

Lots of other virtual currencies are distributed every day. Find a list of upcoming Airdrops here.

As for Coinbase,  just sign up through this link, buy or sell the equivalent of 100 USD (or equivalent in other currencies) in Bitcoin and you will receive 10 USD of Bitcoin.

Not bad.

As for, interesting cryptocurrencies are also often distributed on this site.

In addition to those of Blockchain and Coinbase there are many offers and promotions of the various exchanges but start with these offers and then eventually find other offers.

# 4 – Cryptocurrency lending

The lending of criptovalute, ie the loan remunerated virtual coins, assumes you have accumulated the Bitcoin.

If you don’t have any then look at the previous steps first and accumulate some virtual coins.

When you have a nice nest egg you can sell them and transform them into FIAT currency or Hodlarle (keep them in your wallet) waiting for their revaluation.

I honestly have always preferred not to spend my Bitcoins and keep them in my wallet.

If I had sold last year I actually wouldn’t have hurt, but …

If you want to earn something from your Bitcoins you can lend them on exchanges that offer this service.

I use BlockFI and Celsius Network but there are other good services too.

The lending activity is not very well paid, but if you learn to extricate yourself between the various platforms and work consistently you will see your cryptocurrencies grow without doing anything.

More Bitcoins for free!

# 5 – Take advantage of a Fork

One of the easiest ways to make money is  Forks.

Without going into the technical, the Hard Fork is a radical protocol change that leads to an irreversible divergence in the Blockchain.

When this happens, you find yourself with two cryptocurrencies and therefore duplication of the money owned is determined.

The best-known Fork was the one that created Bitcoin Cash.

When this Fork intervened, those who had Bitcoins found themselves also having Bitcoin Cash, earning a lot of money.

The important thing is to deposit your Bitcoins on a site that supports the Fork and the new resulting currencies.

There will certainly be new Forks in the future and I will try to update you and see if there are opportunities for income for all of us.


Changes always bring opportunities.

Especially for those who are ready to study them and make them their own.

It is not certain that the world of cryptocurrencies will emerge as a winner.

However, I think it is important to be there.

Why not easily accumulate some Bitcoins for FREE?

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Alfred Williams, a distinguished business writer, navigates the corporate landscape with finesse. His articles offer invaluable insights into the dynamic world of business. Alfred's expertise shines, providing readers with a trustworthy guide through the complexities of modern commerce.