Oldies but Goodies: 5 Old School Advertising Methods That Still Work

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Do old school advertising methods still work? Well, about 40% of marketing budgets are devoted to non-digital advertising.

Even though everyone talks about digital marketing and social media followers, there are plenty of traditional advertising techniques that are just as reliable today as they were decades ago.

When they work together with digital marketing ideas, then you have a powerful platform to get your advertising messages out.

Which ones are the old school advertising techniques you need to rediscover? Keep reading to find out.

1. Networking

Networking and making connections is the best way to build stronger business relationships. Yes, you can network online, but the relationship doesn’t grow because you don’t meet face-to-face.

One study showed that close rates are higher because of in-person meetings. About 40% of prospects converted with in-person meetings, while 16% converted without them.

Get out and join your local Chamber of Commerce and look for networking groups in your area.

2. Referral Marketing

Networking might not directly lead to a customer, but you can get referrals from it. Customers give referrals when they’re asked to.

Most businesses rely on repeat and referral customers. Businesses that have a referral marketing strategy are much more successful than ones that don’t.

Don’t wait for the phone to ring. Take a proactive approach with referral marketing.

3. Billboard Advertising

Consumers let their minds wander when they’re driving. You can get their attention for a few seconds with a good billboard ad.

They won’t remember your name on the first pass, but they will with repeated passings. This is a great way to build brand awareness.

Should you spend money on billboards or hoardings? Both are effective marketing ideas. Click here to learn the differences between the two.

4. Trade Shows

After the event industry got rocked by the pandemic, trade shows and conferences are making a big comeback. Event planners intend to have mostly in-person events this year.

The hybrid and online events held over the last two years worked well, but many attendees prefer in-person events for networking opportunities.

Marketers use trade shows to launch new products, grow brand awareness, and generate leads. Going to the right trade shows with proper planning can deliver a significant return on investment.

5. Direct Mail

If you’re opening a retail store or you’re selling a home, you want to let people in the neighborhood know. You could go door to door, or you can create a direct mail campaign.

This is a series of mailers that get sent to homes in a geographic area. You’ll be able to reach the right people and generate interest in your business.

Don’t Forget About Old School Advertising Methods

It’s easy to put all of your marketing budget and focus into digital marketing. People spend a lot of time online, but that doesn’t make old school advertising methods ineffective.

In fact, these old school marketing ideas are just what you need. Combine them with digital marketing efforts and you’ll get incredible results.

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Alfred Williams, a distinguished business writer, navigates the corporate landscape with finesse. His articles offer invaluable insights into the dynamic world of business. Alfred's expertise shines, providing readers with a trustworthy guide through the complexities of modern commerce.